Get Gritty Cowgirl is an online support resource to help performance-focused horsewomen adopt a Cowgirl Mindset and learn mental skills to live and ride better.
Hi, I'm Chevy, and I created Get Gritty Cowgirl because I needed it.
I'm Mama to two boys, a farm wife managing our herd of beef cows, and a lifelong horsewoman. I found that juggling the demands of a full-time office job, farm chores, raising my boys, and attempting to stay on top of the never ending pile of dishes and laundry meant that my horse time was put to the back burner. Add to that the struggles of regaining lost confidence after having kids, and I went from enjoying my horses to feeling afraid and nervous to ride.
It wasn't that I didn't have horse knowledge or horsemanship skills. Before my kids were born I trained wild mustangs for Mustang Makeovers! It wasn't that my horses were unbroke or naughty-they were quiet, gentle ranch horses.
The problem was all in my own head.
And it was so frustrating! I wanted to be able to lope across a field to gather our cattle. I wanted to be able to relax and ride down the trail with my husband. I wanted to be able to compete with my horses again.
That is what led me to study mental toughness and positive psychology. Because I love horses, and imagining a life where I didn't ride was not an option! As I learned and practiced these mental skills, I realized that horses and life are the same. By focusing on what I needed to do to feel more positive with my horse, I also started to feel more positive with my life in general. It is a cycle-if our life is in balance, if we as a person are more positive, then our horsemanship will improve too.
Along my journey to confidence, I also discovered that I wasn't alone. That other cowgirls like me faced the same challenges and lack of confidence-whether it was due to injury, having a family, or being out of the saddle for awhile. And just knowing that I wasn't alone was so healing for me, and I knew that helping others regain their confidence was part of my purpose along my own horsemanship journey.
That is why I started Get Gritty Cowgirl. To share with you the strategies that helped me change from anxious and overwhelmed and uncertain about my horsemanship journey to confident and calm and excited to go on adventures with my horse!
If I can overcome these struggles to be more positive in my life, find the fun along my horsemanship journey, and be a confident cowgirl again, so can you! Because horses are more than a hobby. It's a lifestyle. And to succeed and be happier along this rough trail, we need to get gritty!
I'm Mama to two boys, a farm wife managing our herd of beef cows, and a lifelong horsewoman. I found that juggling the demands of a full-time office job, farm chores, raising my boys, and attempting to stay on top of the never ending pile of dishes and laundry meant that my horse time was put to the back burner. Add to that the struggles of regaining lost confidence after having kids, and I went from enjoying my horses to feeling afraid and nervous to ride.
It wasn't that I didn't have horse knowledge or horsemanship skills. Before my kids were born I trained wild mustangs for Mustang Makeovers! It wasn't that my horses were unbroke or naughty-they were quiet, gentle ranch horses.
The problem was all in my own head.
And it was so frustrating! I wanted to be able to lope across a field to gather our cattle. I wanted to be able to relax and ride down the trail with my husband. I wanted to be able to compete with my horses again.
That is what led me to study mental toughness and positive psychology. Because I love horses, and imagining a life where I didn't ride was not an option! As I learned and practiced these mental skills, I realized that horses and life are the same. By focusing on what I needed to do to feel more positive with my horse, I also started to feel more positive with my life in general. It is a cycle-if our life is in balance, if we as a person are more positive, then our horsemanship will improve too.
Along my journey to confidence, I also discovered that I wasn't alone. That other cowgirls like me faced the same challenges and lack of confidence-whether it was due to injury, having a family, or being out of the saddle for awhile. And just knowing that I wasn't alone was so healing for me, and I knew that helping others regain their confidence was part of my purpose along my own horsemanship journey.
That is why I started Get Gritty Cowgirl. To share with you the strategies that helped me change from anxious and overwhelmed and uncertain about my horsemanship journey to confident and calm and excited to go on adventures with my horse!
If I can overcome these struggles to be more positive in my life, find the fun along my horsemanship journey, and be a confident cowgirl again, so can you! Because horses are more than a hobby. It's a lifestyle. And to succeed and be happier along this rough trail, we need to get gritty!
As Seen in:
I was so honored to be a guest on the RodeoKids.com Podcast! The kids asked such great questions!

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