Face Your Fears. Live Your Dreams. Ride with Grit. Are you a Gritty Rider?
2020 has been quite a ride...
If you:
If you:
- Have set horse goals, but can't seem to make progress towards them,
- Wish you could ride more but never seem to have enough time,
- Want to be a more confident rider for your horse,
- Ever doubt yourself and your abilities as a rider,
- Need motivation and inspiration to make your horse dreams a reality,
- Just need a reset and a break from COVID stress,
In this online course Coach Chevy will teach you the mental skills you need to be a Gritty Rider:
- G-Goal-Driven
- You can't get gritty without goals-but are you setting the right kind of goals?
- If you set the right type of goals, you can find success and fulfillment, even in a pandemic!
- You can't get gritty without goals-but are you setting the right kind of goals?
- R-Resilient
- You will encounter difficult conditions, challenges, obstacles, mistakes, injuries, set backs, delays, and more along your horsemanship (and life) journey...so you better be resilient to get back on the horse!
- I-Intentional
- Gritty riders plan for the best and prepare for the worst with implementation intentions
- T-Teachable
- Learn this key mindset shift to build your belief in yourself and your horse to make progress towards any goal!
- This mindset shift will also increase your confidence!
- Learn this key mindset shift to build your belief in yourself and your horse to make progress towards any goal!
- T-Tenacious
- Connect your passion for horses with perseverance to achieve your long-term goals
- You only live once...so what are you waiting for?
Why do riders need mental skills and mindset coaching?
Good question!
Horses are extremely sensitive. As prey and herd animals, they are highly attuned to their environment to detect predators and also highly attuned to their herd mates. They sense very subtle shifts, things that we often are not even aware that we are doing! A simple change in our thoughts can lead to a change in our body posture, how we move or cue our horse, or a change in our tone of voice. Whatever we are thinking, our horse knows, and often before we do!
This is why mental skills and mindset coaching is important for riders. When a rider is aware of and can shift their thoughts, they can control their actions and body position better. When there is better control of body position and cues, there is improved communication with the horse. When a rider can communicate better, the horse can understand and respond better. A rider with mental skills is a calmer and more confident partner. Isn't that what we all want out of our horsemanship? To be the best rider for your horse that you can be?
The great thing about mental skills is that they are just that-skills! Skills are teachable-including mental skills! Mental Toughness isn't some innate quality that some lucky riders just so happen to have-it is a set of skills that is learned, practiced, and developed.
The mental skills taught in this course are suitable for riders of all disciplines, ages, and experience levels. If you want to be more confident with your horse and improve as a rider, then this course is for you! It is never too late and you are never too old to go after your horsemanship dreams!
What are you waiting for?
This course has ended. To learn how you can work with Chevy, click here.
Good question!
Horses are extremely sensitive. As prey and herd animals, they are highly attuned to their environment to detect predators and also highly attuned to their herd mates. They sense very subtle shifts, things that we often are not even aware that we are doing! A simple change in our thoughts can lead to a change in our body posture, how we move or cue our horse, or a change in our tone of voice. Whatever we are thinking, our horse knows, and often before we do!
This is why mental skills and mindset coaching is important for riders. When a rider is aware of and can shift their thoughts, they can control their actions and body position better. When there is better control of body position and cues, there is improved communication with the horse. When a rider can communicate better, the horse can understand and respond better. A rider with mental skills is a calmer and more confident partner. Isn't that what we all want out of our horsemanship? To be the best rider for your horse that you can be?
The great thing about mental skills is that they are just that-skills! Skills are teachable-including mental skills! Mental Toughness isn't some innate quality that some lucky riders just so happen to have-it is a set of skills that is learned, practiced, and developed.
The mental skills taught in this course are suitable for riders of all disciplines, ages, and experience levels. If you want to be more confident with your horse and improve as a rider, then this course is for you! It is never too late and you are never too old to go after your horsemanship dreams!
What are you waiting for?
This course has ended. To learn how you can work with Chevy, click here.
Hold up Chevy, even on sale this course is a lot of money. What exactly am I getting here?
Glad you asked! Here is what is included in this course:
This isn't your typical online course with boring videos that you purchase and say you are going to watch.
I pride myself in creating useful coaching materials that you will want to use. By mixing the lessons with an active Facebook Group, you will have built in accountability buddies to support you in actually completing the lessons and apply them to your riding and your life!
Glad you asked! Here is what is included in this course:
- 6 Weekly Video Coaching Lessons (Each lesson is between 10-20 minutes long)
- These videos are jam-packed full of mental skills and mindset tips that will help you to approach your riding differently. When you approach your riding from a positive mindset, you will get better results!
- New-Audio Downloads of the Coaching Lessons, so you can listen to them on the go!
- As requested by previous clients, I am making these lessons available as an audio download so you can listen to them as you drive to the barn (or to work), as you clean your house, etc.
- 6 Printable PDF Worksheets to accompany each lesson so you can apply the skills to your horse and your riding
- If you don't have a printer, no worries! Just get out a notebook and follow along.
- Access to a Private Facebook Group, where you can post questions and get personalized feedback and coaching from me! You will also get support from other gritty riders.
- The Facebook Group has been the favorite part of previous courses and challenges I have done. You are sure to make some new friends here!
- I will be checking in daily in the Facebook group to answer questions. I'll also be posting additional motivational content, mental skills tips, horsemanship tips, and more!
- I'll also be throwing in surprise bonus resources along the way!
This isn't your typical online course with boring videos that you purchase and say you are going to watch.
I pride myself in creating useful coaching materials that you will want to use. By mixing the lessons with an active Facebook Group, you will have built in accountability buddies to support you in actually completing the lessons and apply them to your riding and your life!
But Chevy, how do you know this will work for me?
All of the mental skills I teach in this course are techniques that I have thoroughly tested!
I understand the unique struggles that riders like you face because I face them too! I get the struggles of juggling the demands of a full-time career (gotta pay for that horse habit!), to taking care of our family (I have two very busy boys ages 4 and 6!), to running a farm with 30 cow-calf pairs, to the never ending pile of laundry and dishes, and everything else that competes with my horse time. If you are like me, horse time is your "me" time, when you can relax and live your dreams-so it is vitally important to our well-being!
I have felt afraid in the saddle. I have felt nervous and anxious. I have experienced what it feels like to not be confident.
After my first son was born, I was terrified in the saddle. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself relax. It wasn't that I didn't have horse knowledge or horsemanship skills-before my kids were born I trained wild mustangs for Mustang Makeovers! It wasn't that my horses were unbroke or naughty-they were quiet, gentle ranch horses. The problem was all in my own head. And it was so frustrating! I wanted to be able to lope across a field to gather our cattle. I wanted to be able to relax and ride down the trail with my husband. I wanted to be able to show my horses again.
That is what led me to study mental toughness and positive psychology. Because I love horses, and imagining a life where I didn't ride was not an option! So I began my own journey to rebuild my self-confidence, to overcome the negative self-talk and doubts. And I learned that most of these problems were all in my head, and that by mastering simple mental skills I could again ride with confidence. I could again ride into a show pen feeling focused instead of nervous.
As I learned and practiced these mental skills, I realized that horses and life are the same. By focusing on what I needed to do to feel more positive with my horse, I also started to feel more positive with my life in general. It is a cycle-if our life is in balance, if we as a person are more positive, then our horsemanship will improve too.
Along my own horsemanship journey to regain my confidence, I also discovered that I wasn't alone. It was such a relief to learn that other riders faced the same challenges and lack of confidence-whether it was due to injury, having a family, or being out of the saddle for awhile. And just knowing that I wasn't alone was so healing for me, and I knew that helping others regain their confidence was part of my purpose along my own horsemanship journey. So I studied Life Coaching, and became certified as a Confidence Coach and Master Coach through the Transformation Academy, so that I could improve my coaching skills and make the road to confidence smoother for you than it was for me, struggling by myself.
That is why I started Get Gritty-to share with you the process that helped me change from worried and overwhelmed and uncertain about my horsemanship journey to confident and calm and excited to enter the show pen. The steps that I share with you are the same steps that I took, the same skills that I learned, all proven effective by the science of sport and positive psychology, and put together in an easy to follow, step-by-step process to empower you to be more confident and go after your horse dreams.
If I can learn these mental skills to be more confident and find the fun in my horsemanship journey, so can you! Because horses are more than a hobby. It's a lifestyle. And to succeed and be happier along this bumpy ride, we need to get gritty.
All of the mental skills I teach in this course are techniques that I have thoroughly tested!
I understand the unique struggles that riders like you face because I face them too! I get the struggles of juggling the demands of a full-time career (gotta pay for that horse habit!), to taking care of our family (I have two very busy boys ages 4 and 6!), to running a farm with 30 cow-calf pairs, to the never ending pile of laundry and dishes, and everything else that competes with my horse time. If you are like me, horse time is your "me" time, when you can relax and live your dreams-so it is vitally important to our well-being!
I have felt afraid in the saddle. I have felt nervous and anxious. I have experienced what it feels like to not be confident.
After my first son was born, I was terrified in the saddle. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself relax. It wasn't that I didn't have horse knowledge or horsemanship skills-before my kids were born I trained wild mustangs for Mustang Makeovers! It wasn't that my horses were unbroke or naughty-they were quiet, gentle ranch horses. The problem was all in my own head. And it was so frustrating! I wanted to be able to lope across a field to gather our cattle. I wanted to be able to relax and ride down the trail with my husband. I wanted to be able to show my horses again.
That is what led me to study mental toughness and positive psychology. Because I love horses, and imagining a life where I didn't ride was not an option! So I began my own journey to rebuild my self-confidence, to overcome the negative self-talk and doubts. And I learned that most of these problems were all in my head, and that by mastering simple mental skills I could again ride with confidence. I could again ride into a show pen feeling focused instead of nervous.
As I learned and practiced these mental skills, I realized that horses and life are the same. By focusing on what I needed to do to feel more positive with my horse, I also started to feel more positive with my life in general. It is a cycle-if our life is in balance, if we as a person are more positive, then our horsemanship will improve too.
Along my own horsemanship journey to regain my confidence, I also discovered that I wasn't alone. It was such a relief to learn that other riders faced the same challenges and lack of confidence-whether it was due to injury, having a family, or being out of the saddle for awhile. And just knowing that I wasn't alone was so healing for me, and I knew that helping others regain their confidence was part of my purpose along my own horsemanship journey. So I studied Life Coaching, and became certified as a Confidence Coach and Master Coach through the Transformation Academy, so that I could improve my coaching skills and make the road to confidence smoother for you than it was for me, struggling by myself.
That is why I started Get Gritty-to share with you the process that helped me change from worried and overwhelmed and uncertain about my horsemanship journey to confident and calm and excited to enter the show pen. The steps that I share with you are the same steps that I took, the same skills that I learned, all proven effective by the science of sport and positive psychology, and put together in an easy to follow, step-by-step process to empower you to be more confident and go after your horse dreams.
If I can learn these mental skills to be more confident and find the fun in my horsemanship journey, so can you! Because horses are more than a hobby. It's a lifestyle. And to succeed and be happier along this bumpy ride, we need to get gritty.
The Gritty Rider:
Mental Skills Course to Face Your Fears and Live Your Dreams with Your Horse
Mental Skills Course to Face Your Fears and Live Your Dreams with Your Horse